- Establishment and Training of regular Army units.
- Establishment and training of Special Infantry Forces, Commando Units and Special Task Forces.
- Supply of Army equipment, products and systems from Eastern or Western origin, from certified Govel ernment suppliers and military industries. New or Surplus.
- VERTAK is representing officially some Military Manufacturers & their foreign trade companies from Eastern and Western countries.
Products and systems supplies, New or Surplus (partial list):
- Uniforms, Helmets, vests, personal combat gear, special designs.
- Light infantry weapons and ammo
- Heavy and long range weapon systems and ammo
- Night vision systems
- Long range lighting systems/projectors
- Light armored vehicles and APCs fully equipped
- Snipers weapons, coordination systems & equipment
- K-9
- Long-Range observation systems
- Training Simulators
- Establish training facilities, academy, shooting ranges.
- Special tactical UAV

Establishment & training Navy Seals units Establishment & Training special patrol and Coast Guard units. Supply of:
- Coast Guard and patrol boats
- War ships, landing ships
- Coast Guarding Radars
- Special Long range observation system
- Various weapon systems and target acquisition systems
- Control systems for fishing piracy and others.
- Long range lighting systems/projectors
- Command and Control Centers
- Sea aircraft / beach craft
- Under water detection fence
- Mine sweepers
- Submarine detection systems
- Active Sonar
- Navy vessels communication

- Establishment and training of Anti-Terror units, Presidential Guard units, Special Task Force and Rescue Teams.
- Supply of all relevant MODERN equipment for training and operational activities of the above units.
- Upgrading skills and operational methods of existing units
- Establishment of training ground facilities and Academy.
The following is partial list of equipment we supply for Anti Terror units:
- Personal weapon and gear
- Special ammunitions
- Special vehicles
- Special Radio systems – personal and unit level
- Breaking-in equipment
- Assault equipment and systems
- Sniper weapons, coordination systems, comoflage gear
- Monitoring and surveillance systems
- Abseiling equipment
- Rescue equipment
- UAVs
- Command and Control Vehicles
- EOD and IEOD , demolition equipment
- K-9

Establishment of Air Force – “A to Z”:
- Supply of Western or Eastern aircrafts/helicopters – Cargo, fighters
training, Intelligence - Pilot training – light crafts, jet fighters and helicopters
- Technicians and air control Training
- Air force Radars and air control systems
- Anti-Aircraft systems
- Supply of ILS and spare-parts packages
- Upgrading of flying techniques – day and night
- Upgrading of existing A/C & helicopters – Night vision systems
- weapon systems, targeting and radar systems
- Radio communication – air to air; air to ground
- Establishment of special pilot rescue unit, airborne

- Establishment & Training of Border Police and Patrol units
- Border electronic fencing
- Radar Systems, VMD systems
- Patrol Vehicles, vessels, APCs, UAVs
- Weapon systems
- CCC Centers, Radio communication and data links
- Access control systems and monitoring
- Establishing check points, check-posts, Border passages.
- X-Ray systems for persons, vehicles, Cargo
- Long range observation and Lighting systems – Day & Night

VERTAK has the sources to supply various armored vehicles New or from Surplus, Western or Eastern manufactured including technical and tactical training with our instructors.
VERTAK has the knowledge to supply Upgrading and Modernization suits for various vehicles.
VERTAK has experience in supplying (partial list):
- Tanks
- APC: 4×4; 6×6; 8×8; on chains and in various configuration for Attack, CCC, Medical/Ambulances, logistics, Cargo, etc.
- Jeeps and other armored SUV and light vehicles.
- Mines sweeping or planting vehicles
- Heavy engineering vehicles and equipment

Vertak has the ability and past performance of supplying the following list of weapons and weapon systems
from Eastern or Western manufacturers and stockers – New or Surplus, and in all calibers, including
ammunition, such as:
- Light and short range weapons as: pistols , SMG and rifles
- Long range weapons, as sniper rifles etc.
- Special weapon for special operation.
- Heavy MG
- Artillery guns/cannons – towed or self propelled
- Mortars – Light or heavy , towed or self propelled
- Air Defense systems
- Navy weapon systems
- Air craft and helicopters weapons
In addition VERTAK has the expertise to supply:
- Ammunition production lines – all calibers, eastern and western
- Gunners and technicians courses in all levels
- Spare parts
Modernization of light and heavy weapons – from pistols to Tank and
Artillery Calibers. - Firing control systems
- Supply of all weapon accessories as; silencers, scopes, grips, sights, etc.bb

- Establishment of Intelligence units in various professions
- Training and upgrading existing intelligence units
- Training and upgrading existing Secret Service units.
- Supply equipment and systems for: Surveillance and Monitoring, in thegovernment level.
- Radio and Communication monitoring systems – e.g. for: short and long range and in various frequencies including for telephone land lines, cell phones, ARMY and private sector radio frequencies, encrypted or not.
- The use of UAV and air photography.
- Covert and camouflaged ground monitoring systems as cameras, Micropl phones, detectors, etc.
- Research and Analyzing of information
- Recruiting of informants
- Humint, Sigint sources
- Interrogation systems and equipment